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“I have worked with Devon for over a year now. My first exposure to Devon was as my clinical supervisor when I was completing my practicum training for my masters of counselling degree. Not only did Devon provide a safe and supportive environment during our supervision meetings for me to develop and grow professionally, but I also had the opportunity to shadow her and witness her expertise as a counsellor with patients.

Devon provides trauma-informed, authentic, and culturally competent counselling services. Devon’s presence as a counsellor brings a sense of ease to her clients, and I personally have witnessed clients experience short term and long term benefits while being supported by Devon. As a professional in the field, I could not recommend Devon enough!”

~ David Jennings, MC, CCC

Concurrent Disorders Counsellor

Devon has been a support to me whenever I have needed it over the last several years. I have found her to be unparalleled by any of the many forms of help I have received over the last 15 years.

I think a lot of this ability comes from her extensive education background and hands on experience in the field. More than that, though, Devon has a way about her that emanates compassion, understanding and a supportive nurturing nature that is completely genuine and authentic to her.

These qualities I have never found all in 1 person before and its because of these qualities I trust and participate with the solutions and teachings she is so easily able to present to me in a non-judgemental way that allows me immediate access to change my narrative and perception around my issues and struggles.

I am so grateful to know Devon and have access to her support, It has definitely changed my life and plays an active part in all my progress and my abilities to maintain tough situations.

~ David Brown, peer support worker

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